Top Ten Criminal Thinking Errors

Criminal thinking errors are prevalent in our society and these made the top ten list thanks to the ground-breaking work of Stanton Samenow and Yochelson in their three volumes of work titled, “The Criminal Personality”. Although these errors are considered “criminal thinking” they really are present in each of us to varying degrees. Offenders …

Inmate Thinking patterns

Inmate Thinking patterns: An Empirical Investigation Abstract This study investigated patterns of maladaptive thinking in 435 offenders and sought to develop and preliminarily validate a measure of criminal thinking patterns. An exploratory factor analysis of 77 thinking errors derived from four theories of cognitive distortions that influence behavior yielded a three-factor model of dysfunctional thinking …

CT Group Tip: Thinking Error Deterrents

Deterrents to negative thinking errors are the primary and practical way a changing criminal thinker can alter their thoughts to affect their behavior. This group facilitation tip focuses on examining the five thinking deterrents in real life situations for group participants. 1. Pick a thinking error to review. 2. Read the corresponding article for the …

Concrete Thinking

Human mental processes typically evolve from the concrete to the conceptual, whereas the criminal is often described as failing to learn from experience. This individual does not generalize the outcome of one situation to similar circumstances, a problem which is related to the fragmented thinking associated with the criminal personality. The criminal is extremely situational …

Website Comments

Give us your feedback too! Larry Vanden Bosch Comments: I have 9 yrs. experience in Criminal/Corrective Thinking and just found your site. I have been trained by Mr. Koerner, attending many of his trainings. He is/was an excellent trainer and in my view having attended other workshops in CT believe he was the most knowledgeable …

Article Outside Issues

Outside Issues: Exposing the Recovering Mind Winter Issue 2012 The following article, written by the author, Brian Loebig, was published in the Winter 2012 issue of Outside Issues. Outside Issues is a recovery magazine based in Philadelphia, PA area. Outside Issues has the “primary purpose of reaching those infected and affected with the diseases …

Historical Updates

6/12/2012 New testimonial from an Arlington County Detention Facility staffer! 5/3/2012 New CT Module Article: Objects to Possess 3/26/2012: CT Article was published in the Outside Issues Recovery magazine! 3/3/2012: Evidence-based Research Article: [Criminal] Thinking Styles and Emotional States. 2/29/2012: New CT Module Article published: “The Solitary Confinement of Responsibility” 12/17/2011: New CT Module Article …

Amy Maple

I work with corrections as a facilitator for a juvenile program which is based on cognitive restructuring, including using “thinking errors” with the kids to help them see how their thinking becomes “distorted” and can lead them to engage in risky behaviors. Thanks for your additional information!