Top Ten Criminal Thinking Errors

Criminal thinking errors are prevalent in our society and these made the top ten list thanks to the ground-breaking work of Stanton Samenow and Yochelson in their three volumes of work titled, “The Criminal Personality”. Although these errors are considered “criminal thinking” they really are present in each of us to varying degrees. Offenders take these errors to the extreme which then develops into patterns of thinking and behavior that continually victimize and harm others.

Key Question: Which of these errors to you see in yourself and how can you change them?

top ten thinking errors infographicCheck out our other criminal thinking infographic… and visit us at!

7 Thoughts On Top Ten Criminal Thinking Errors

  1. I have practiced the Thinking Error methods for over 25 years, in a Residential Treatment Facility for Juvenile Court this is a very successful practice (behavior, drugs and alcohol, anti-gang, learning disability clients, effective growing tool etc.). It’s greatest value however was the impact that it had upon my staff, it increased their self awareness greatly, knowing thy self improves the quality of many expected outcomes. As I had a dual career it can also testify of its effectiveness in the private and public sector.

  2. I truly enjoy this site. There’s so much info to help correct where our parents failed. And as an adult, I agree that it’s my responsibility to do so. I don’t want to pass the bad stuff to my children. Only the good.
    P. S. Would someone please correct the above infograghic. 5 and 6 read exactly the same definition.

  3. I took IOP class in Richland Correctional Facility in Ohio. It changed my life. I was 39 years old when I left prison after doing a 7 year sentence. Dealing with losing my family my kids my career my business my home my finances I became angry and bitter. I lost myself inside those walls. Being depressed and worrying about everything on the outside I had to block out all my emotions from battling everything on the inside. I had become this numb heartless man that didn’t take any crap from anybody in the joint or these guys would eat you for breakfast. I became an animal and didn’t care what happened to me. I wasn’t afraid to die. When my kids mothers would bring them to see me they didn’t even recognize me anymore. Prison was turning me into a savage. All I did was workout and fight. I put on 40lbs of muscle and turned into a machine. I hadn’t seen myself in the mirror for so many years I really didn’t know what I looked like and my self esteem became low and my confidence from being a pretty boy white kid my entire life to this guy wearing hand me down clothes because of not having allot of money for brand new shoes and clothes from doing a stretch money becomes a barber hustle of haircuts for summer dogs just to have a meal to eat everyday. I’d save up and buy some decent stuff off of people and my friends I made inside treated me better than my non existent friends I’ve had my entire life. Heart broke and bitter I promised myself to always be a savage and be the best barber on the compound. My name rings bells in Lake Erie, ManCI, and Richland. They call me Money Mitch Cuts and if you got a haircut from me for your visit or birthday or you’ve been hustling in the joint and got your status up and I gave you one of my special Mitch Cuts…. Everybody new as soon as you hit the yard who cut your hair!!! Thanks to all the men that blessed me and gave me the opportunity to showcase my talent. But on the main reason of this comment is to specify the transition from being a complete animal not caring about myself or others for so many years and understanding that if I was released one day in the near future would I have a chance of being successful on the streets while in the mind-frame I’m in right now in that very moment. And my answer was absolutely not. I was a scary individual and my kids and my kids mothers who held down the fort while I was gone didn’t deserve to have me back finally after all those years and then one day real real soon seeing me getting into trouble because I robbed or beat some body up over something like pride or ego or just on principle as if we were still in the joint. The outside world isn’t and don’t revolve around prison politics and if my brain was still on prison politics I’d be instantly back in prison cause that’s where I belong. So my last two years were approaching and I thought that would never be happening. It felt like forever looking back but it really came up so fast and before you know it I’m heading down my last road and i was finally allowed to get my status dropped down from a level 3 to a 2 so I can go to the halfway house or transitional control it’s called I was sent to a level 2 medium camp. Richland Corr. There when you were down to your last year I was able to take IOP class and get good days. I was on a violent case so I wasn’t able to get much but if you weren’t on a case like mine which was Agg Robb Felony 1 with a gun spec and you were a non violent offender with like a drug case or simple burglary case you could get up to 100 days taken off your sentence. I was only granted 13 days but shit that’s better than nothing and my outdate was December 12. So I almost made Thanksgiving. But anyways back to IOP class. Lol. We learned so much about our addiction and the way our brains think when you become criminal minded. Learning techniques to stop irrational beliefs and changing your thinking patterns when you face situations that normally would end up with a negative consequence. Learning all these tools right before I was coming up on my last months gave me a huge advantage for a better success rate. I truly believe that if I hadn’t of taken this IOP class before my transitional control date which is an opportunity to go to a halfway house for my last 6 months I would’ve stayed in that mind-frame and failed. Behaviors and attitude are the first most important attributes you need to change or you will never become a normal citizen and society has a special place for people who have problems with there attitude. It’s called jail. I hope my story will help somebody struggling in a time of need because we all have to heal up our wounds from our pasts. Stop getting high because we haven’t been taught the right coping skills. Learn about your body and about your addiction. Take this class whether your in prison or on the streets.

    Thank you,
    Brett Mitchell
    Aka “Money Mitch Cuts”

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"An approach to the treatment of offenders which emphasizes the role of altering thinking patterns in bringing about change in an offender's life."