I. Group 6: Reverse Ripple Effect

Product #VA-GRP6 .


I. Group 6: Reverse Ripple Effect

To understand the positive effect of doing something responsible.

Chalk/Grease Board, Group Description T-1

The Ripple Effect Practice Chart H-2
1. Read the Group Description.

2. Review assignment from previous group. Ask volunteers to recite five tactics from memory.

3. Handout the Ripple Effect Practice Chart H-2. Explain to the group that, “ripple effects come in two forms: positive and negative. Negative ripple effects are the focus of this group because they have caused others and ourselves the most problems in life. However, positive ripple effects are the reason we continue to live responsibly.”

4. Ask one group member to “ name one negative behavior that has caused a negative ripple effect in your life.” Then ask, “What is one responsible alternative you could have chosen.” Write the answers on the board. Continue this process until all group members have had the opportunity to disclose.

5. Ask the group to write down their responsible alternative on the Ripple Effect Practice Chart in the top problem/situation triangle.

6. Ask for a volunteer to finish their positive Ripple Effect Chart on the board. Make sure they describe the positive emotional, psychological, physical and financial effects of the responsible alternative for each group of individuals on the chart. Continue this process with other group members as time permits.

7. In closing, write on the board, “WHAT HAPPENS TO YOU MATTERS TO ME!” Recite the statement to the person on your left as you take hold of their hand. Ask that person to continue the process until the entire group has been included.


1. Ask group members who did not go to the board to finish their positive Ripple Effect Chart individually.
The complete Victim Awareness Module is available in PDF format for a fee.


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"An approach to the treatment of offenders which emphasizes the role of altering thinking patterns in bringing about change in an offender's life."